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Cold and flu, two of the most common diseases in human being

High fever, body aches, sneezing, a blocked nose and coughs are all common accompanying symptoms of a cold or flu. In fact, a common cold is the most frequently experienced viral infection1, while the flu (influenza) virus accounts for between 3 and 5 millions of cases annually2.  

Your body’s immunity vs a cold or flu

Once an infection is detected, your body will amp up its defense to overcome pathogens (infectious microorganisms). This in turn, causes a fever, which is your body’s way of “turning up the heat” against infections. As such, healthy immune function can help to speed up the recovery process and prevent any post-viral infection respiratory complications3.

Avoiding a cold or flu

While avoiding a common cold or flu virus is more difficult during the rainy season, there are a few simple rules you can follow to reduce your risk of infection.

  • Healthy diet: It is no secret that the consumption of a healthy, balanced diet is essential for good health. A balanced diet should include a daily intake of fruits and green vegetables, whole grain bread, cereals, a moderate amount of dairy, and small amounts of meat and fish.

  • Vitamins and minerals: It is a given that eating a healthy, balanced diet should provide your body with an adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals. But you can also opt to take a health supplement like Redoxon® to ensure that your body has a sufficient intake of the vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain a healthy and strong immunity.

Mother and daughter exercising and stretching together
  • Vaccination: Anyone who is above six months of age can opt to get a flu shot every year.6 Be sure to speak to a doctor beforehand, especially if you are prone to allergies or any other health conditions.

  • Good hygiene: The key to avoiding illness is to reduce your exposure to germs, which is why good hygiene practices are especially important when you are trying to stay healthy.3. You should always wash your hands thoroughly before touching or preparing food, before inserting a contact lens, or before doing other activities that require you to touch your eyes, face or mouth.

  • Keep personal items close: All it takes is one sick person to pass the flu virus to an entire family, or a group of coworkers3. That’s because the flu virus can survive for up to 24 hours on most surfaces, giving it plenty of time to infect multiple people. For this reason, avoid sharing personal items, like toothbrushes, towels, clothes, eating utensils or drinking glasses with other individuals, especially if you or your loved one is sick.

  • Get your daily dose of exercise: Regular exercise is essential for keeping your immunity strong, as it can help to reduce stress and inflammation, and promotes positive movement of white blood cells in your blood and tissue, and help your body to fight off infections.

  • Relax and sleep well: There is a correlation between prolonged mental stress and physical illness3. To put it simply, avoiding stress and getting an adequate amount of sleep daily is important for strengthening your immunity, and improving your general well-being.

What to do when you are suffering from a cold or flu?

Whether you are suffering from a common cold or flu, your doctor will always recommend the best treatment and medication. Alternatively, there are a few other steps you can take to relieve infection symptoms as your body is fighting the illness. 

  • Stay home and get plenty of rest. Let your body do the work in peace and avoid spreading the virus to coworkers or colleagues by staying at home.
  • Stay hydrated. Opt to drink water, fruit juices, chicken soup or a sports drink to ensure that your body is adequately hydrated. Sufficient hydration is important for you to avoid congestion in your sinuses and lungs.
  • Increase humidity. Vaporisers and humidifiers can help to ease nasal congestion, especially if the air in your home is dry.



1. Eccles, Ronald; Weber, Olaf (2009). Common cold. Basel: Birkhäuser. p. 3. ISBN 978-3-7643-9894-1. Archived from the original on 8 May 2016.

2. Nguyen HH et al, What is the global incidence of influenza?,about%20250%2C000%20to%20500%2C000%20deaths.

3. How to prevent infections. Harvard Medical School, 2016. (Accessed 10/02/2020, at

4. Song et al, 2019; Patel et al 2012 and Gombart et al 2020.

5. Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients 2020;12.


How Redoxon®
Helps to Support
Your Immunity



Your body is equipped with powerful natural defenses and your immune system has many ways of dealing with potential threats from harmful bacteria, and viruses. The human body’s immune system is made up of three main defense mechanisms - physical barriers (skin and mucosa), cellular barriers (white blood cells) and antibodies. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are essential to the health and function of this complex network.

Living in a fast-paced world that includes on-the-go fast food and pre-cooked meals, it can sometimes be challenging to consume an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily, which in turn can help to provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to fully support bodily functions. What’s worse, an inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals can instead negatively affect your immune system, and damage your health. That’s where Redoxon® comes in. Our range of products are designed to help support your immunity through the supplementation of essential vitamins and minerals.

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Redoxon® for a Healthier Immunity

You need to look after your immune system. Even though it may not feel like it, your body works 24 hours a day to ensure optimal immune system.
Just as a plant needs water and sunlight, your body needs regular nourishment to support the body’s defense systems.

Combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical exercise and a healthy diet, supplements like Redoxon® provide the foundation
for a strong immunity, all-year round.






80 Years of Vitamin C Expertise

In 1934, we pioneered the world’s first vitamin C supplement, and we’ve been helping people all over the world to keep their immunity robust ever since.
Today, our range of innovative supplements helps to support your immunity everyday.


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