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Immune health throughout your life

Have you ever wondered why children seem to get sick more frequently than adults? Or why elderly people tend to suffer a more severe form of common illnesses, like a cold or flu? More often than not, it has to do primarily with the development of an individual’s immunity to infections, and age. Read on to find out how your immunity changes over time and the steps you can take to boost your immune health at any age.

The relationship between age
and immune functions

Your immunity is your body’s natural defense against malignant substances such as bacteria, viruses, cancer cells or foreign tissues. The strength of your immunity is represented by its ability to produce cells that identify and destroy other potentially harmful cells. However, it’s important to note that your immune function changes over time. When babies are born, their immunity is immature. As babies grow into adults, their immune functions continue to develop, and learn to fight off pathogens better. However, the strength of their immunity will decline with old age1. Read on to find out how your immunity changes over time.

  • The immunity of newborn babies are naturally suppressed, which makes infants more susceptible to certain infections and diseases. This suppression is usually dependent upon the child’s development during pregnancy1. Alternatively, breastfeeding is the one of the most effective ways to promote the healthy development of a baby’s immunity. It is also important to get babies vaccinated on schedule to protect them from various diseases.

  • During childhood, a person’s immunity may not be mature enough to fight the majority of pathogens – which is why children tend to get sick more often than adults. But as time progresses, the cells in a child’s body will eventually get better at recognising viruses, foreign particles, microbes and microorganisms. It will also “learn” how to fight infections more efficiently, especially if a child lives a healthy lifestyle and maintains proper hygiene. During this stage of life, a child can take immunity support supplement to boost their intake of essential vitamins and minerals2. However, it’s important to remember that a healthy lifestyle must always include the consumption of a healthy, balanced diet, and not just the use of health supplements.

Smiling grandfather carrying his grandson on his shoulders
  • During adolescence, a person’s body constantly undergoes hormonal changes. We all know that hormones are responsible for the development of children into adults, but did you know that hormones can also affect immunity and put teenagers at a higher risk of being affected by certain autoimmune diseases? In other words, the accelerated bone and tissue growth in adolescents also means that they may require a higher intake of essential vitamins and minerals to support healthy development.

  • As adults, a person’s natural bodily defenses will be fully developed, but can be negatively affected by factors such as stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits. That’s why it’s important to form good habits and make immune support a part of your daily life. A healthy diet, regular exercise, quality sleep and relaxation are all natural immune boosters3. You can also opt to take a health supplement as part of your healthy lifestyle routine daily.

  • As we become older, our immunity may not be as strong as it was when we were adolescents or young adults4. One of the biggest effects of a weakened immunity as we grow old is a reduction in the number of immune cells produced by our bodies. This translates to a longer healing process for physical injuries, and a slower reaction to infections, which can make you more susceptible to illnesses. This is when a healthy lifestyle becomes more important than ever. A healthy diet with a sufficient intake of essential vitamins and minerals and regular exercise will help you to enjoy good health for longer!


  1. Simon AK, Hollander GA, McMichael A, Evolution of the immune system in humans from infancy to old age.
  2. Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients 2020;12.
  3. How to prevent infections. Harvard Medical School, 2016. Accessed 10/02/2020, at
  4. Montecino-Rodriguez E, Berent-Maoz B, Dorshkind K, Causes, consequences and reversal of immune system aging.

How Vitamins & Minerals
Help to Support
Your Immunity



Your body is equipped with powerful natural defenses and your immune system has many ways of dealing with daily immunity challenges such as pollution, weather changes, being in crowded places; and unhealthy lifestyle, such as poor diet and smoking. The human body’s immune system is made up of three main defense mechanisms - physical barriers (skin and mucosa), cellular barriers (white blood cells) and antibodies. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are essential to the health and function of this complex network.

Living in a fast-paced world that includes on-the-go fast food and pre-cooked meals, it can sometimes be challenging to consume an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily, which in turn can help to provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to fully support bodily functions. What’s worse, an inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals can instead negatively affect your immune system, and damage your health.

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Redoxon® for a Healthier Immunity

You need to look after your immunity. Even though it may not feel like it, your body works 24 hours a day to ensure optimal immunity.
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Protected & Supported

Looking for ways to support your immunity? 
Check out some of our articles on how to support your immunity effectively.